


Hand-rolled ultra-low power memristor storage and computing integrated computer

Inspired by ancient wisdom, a computer based on bioelectric memristors

Advantages of In-Memory Computing in the AI Era#

In-Memory Computing (IMC) is a computing architecture that integrates data processing (computation) and data storage (memory) more closely together.

  • In traditional computing architectures, the processor (CPU) and memory are separate, leading to frequent data movement between the processor and memory, causing significant performance bottlenecks in big data applications.
  • IMC technology directly processes data in storage devices, reducing data movement, significantly reducing latency, and improving energy efficiency. This architecture is particularly suitable for applications that require processing large amounts of data, such as big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Based on bioelectricity, ultra-low power consumption, low process requirements#

  • Ultra-low power consumption, much lower than common computing chips on the market, can be driven by bioelectricity.
  • No need for a 7nm process, can even be handcrafted.

Supports parallel computing and theoretically unlimited scalability#

  • Can be deployed in a distributed manner for parallel computing.
  • By simple and cost-effective module stacking, computational power and precision can be expanded.
  • Through hardware design modifications, native support for binary, ternary, decimal, hexadecimal, etc.
  • Simple and mature algorithms, can be mastered by elementary school students through memorization.

Personalized appearance design supported by the computer, as shown in the image#


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